Dove (e perché) nascono le startup a Milano

Milano è la capitale italiana delle startup: ma dove nascono le aziende innovative sotto la Madonnina? Ecco l'elenco di incubatori e acceleratori meneghini

Milano è la capitale italiana delle startup. Lo aveva già detto un anno fa il Financial Times che aveva elencato i motivi di questo successo. A favorire la crescita delle aziende innovative sono la presenza di un’importante università come la Bocconi, che offre un master in Finance tra i primi dieci al mondo, la disponibilità economica e finanziaria, una normativa più flessibile e la capacità della città di fare imprenditoria.

I dati della Camera di Commercio confermavano il quadro . Con una popolazione di 1.2 milioni di abitanti e un capitale investito nel 2014 pari a 133 milioni di euro, il capoluogo lombardo vanta 802 start up sulle 1.183 presenti in tutta la regione, che equivalgono al 14,8% sulle 5.439 registrate in Italia. Un po’ meno del doppio di Roma che si ferma al secondo posto con 475 imprese innovative e quasi il triplo di Torino al terzo posto a quota 273. La parte del leone è fatta dal settore servizi: più di 600 start up milanesi sono nel campo delle telecomunicazioni, dei software, della consulenza informatica e dell’assistenza sanitaria. E le domande d’avvio per creare una startup innovativa risultano, a oggi, 6mila.

Startup Milano: le 10 più famose

I dati del Politecnico confermano Milano come capitale delle startup. Nel 2016, gli investimenti per startup hi-tech sono stati di 182 milioni di euro, in crescita del 24%. Ma quali sono le startup che hanno raccolto più investimenti. Secondo la classifica ufficiale

  1. Moneyfarm (23 milioni)

  2. NousCoom (16 milioni)

  3. Talent Garden (12 milioni)

  4. Movendo Technology (10 milioni)

  5. Musement (8,7 milioni)di: Alessandro Petazzi

  6. Rigenerand (8,7 milioni)

  7. Mosaicoon (8 milioni)

  8. Silk Biomaterials (7,5 milioni)

  9. BeMyEye (6,5 milioni)

  10. Credimi (6 milioni)

Da dove cominciare

Ma dove nascono le startup a Milano? Negli incubatori e acceleratori che proliferano sotto la Madonnina. Sebbene in apparenza molto simili, in genere gli incubatori accolgono startup che non hanno ancora ufficialmente avviato un’impresa o sono in una fase molto precoce. Gli acceleratori accettano invece aziende più sviluppate che possono essere affrontare un percorso di accelerazione e crescita attraverso uno specifico programma. Gli incubatori di startup e gli acceleratori alimentano l’ecosistema investendo competenze, tempo, contatti, uffici e investimenti per sviluppare startup italiane e internazionali e limitano il rischio che le società e i loro fondatori affrontano, attraverso l’offerta dei loro servizi che portano conoscenza, esperienza e know-how specializzato.

Elenco incubatori e acceleratori startup a Milano

Ecco l’elenco degli incubatori e acceleratori di startup a Milano (fonte Startup Business)

1 – Alimenta2Talent

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: Alimenta2Talent is an accelerator co-financed by the Comune di Milano and developed by the specific PTP Science Park. This accelerator specializes mainly on the acceleration of startups within the circular economy, agrifood and life sciences sectors.


2 – b-ventures

Type: Incubator & Accelerator

Brief Description: B-ventures is an incubator and accelerator that specializes in mobile payment, mobile advertising and mobile content startups. This international incubator and accelerator offers co-working spaces in Italy, Spain, UK and US.


3 – Barcamper Tours

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: Barcamper by dpixel, is a scouting and education program that gives knowledge and tools to accelerate startups. The program is mobile and visits many cities to scout and accelerate startups. To find when it is Milan next, go to the Barcamper website.


4 – BiovelocITA

Type: Accelerator


Brief Description: BiovelocITA is fully dedicated to the acceleration of biotech innovative projects. IT provides both seed funds and management skills in various therapeutics areas.

5 – Boox

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: Boox is a Milanese accelerator that accelerates digital startups, specifically e-commerce and SaaS startups.


6 – Impact Hub

Type: Incubator

Brief Description: Impact Hub Milano is a Coworking and Events Space, a Community and Certified Incubator which is apart of a global network of more than 100 locations comprising over 15,000 entrepreneurs and innovators gathered around common interest in projects and companies that have social, environmental or cultural impact.


7 – Incubatore Tecnologico Bottega di Leonardo

Type: Incubator

Brief Description: Incubatore Tecnologico Bottega di Leonardo is an incubator that specifies in multimedia, industrial and domestic automation and high-tech IT startups.


8 – Breed Reply

Type: Incubator

Brief Description: Breed Reply is an advanced incubator for Internet Of Things startups. Breed Reply is based in UK and has offices in the cities of London, Munich and also Milan. The incubator mainly specifies in the vertical markets of fitness and wellness, healthcare, smart home, manufacturing, transportation and energy. Breed Reply Incubator is a part of The Reply Group.


9 – Digital Magics

Type: Incubator

Brief Description: Digital Magics is an incubator that operates in Milan as well as Bari, Naples, Palermo, Rome and Triveneto. Digital Magics is an incubator that specializes in digital startups.


10 – Edison Pulse

Type: Incubator

Brief Description: Edison Pulse is an incubator program run by the company, Edison. The incubator specializes in four main categories; energy, smart home, consumer and tourism and business enhancement.


11 – ELITE

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: ELITE is an innovative program which supports SMEs for the next stage of their growth.


12 – ENEL For Startups

Type: Accelerator and Incubator

Brief Description: Offered by the company ENEL, the multinational operates as industrial strategic partner and offers a large array of services, know-how and network to startups in 12 verticals. To find the specific verticals, refer to the website.


13 – Euroimpresa

Type: Incubator

Brief Description: Euroimpresa offers an incubator for startups with less than 3 years of operation.


14 – FabriQ

Type: Incubator

Brief Description: FabriQ offers an incubator for social innovation and social impact startups. The incubator is developed by The Comune di Milano, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini and Impact Hub.


15 – Fashion Technology Accelerator

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: Fashion Technology Accelerator accelerates startups in the fashion technology sector. This international accelerator is a part of an international network that has accelerators in Milan, Silicon Valley and Seoul.


16 – Fondazione Filarete

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: Fondazione Filarete is a business accelerator that accelerates startups in the sectors of biomaterials, healthcare and advanced technology.


17 – Future Food Ecosystem

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: Future Food Ecosystem has a range of accelerators and programs in its organization that support and develop food specific startups.


18 – G2

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: G2 is an accelerator that accelerates digital transformation and industry 4.0 startups.


19 – growITup

Type: Accelerator

Brief Decription: growITup is an accelerator platform for Italian digital startups to grow. The platform allows large corporations to get in contact with successful digital startups and to contribute to their growth.


20 – Innovits

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: A non-profit organization that aims to accelerate and support entrepreneurial development.


21 – Intesa Sanpaolo Start Up Initiative

Type: Incubator

Brief Description: An incubator for high-tech startups that specializes in social ventures, biotechnologies, ICT, mobile and mobility, cleantech and nanotechnologies startups.



Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: iSTARTER is an accelerator that accelerates Italian startups. The accelerator is based in Shoreditch, London.


23 – Italian Brand Factory

Type: Accelerator and Incubator

Brief Description: Italian Brand Factory is an accelerator and incubator that specializes in the sectors of fashion, food, design, art & culture, travel & tourism and cosmetics.


24 – IULM Innovation Lab

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: IULM Innovation Lab is a business accelerator by the IULM Univeristy. The IULM Innovation Lab offers access to its co-working space.


25 – Keycapital

Type: Incubator

Brief Description: Keycapital is a venture incubator that incubates digital startups.


26 – Make a Cube

Type: Incubator & Accelerator

Brief Description: Make a Cube is an incubator and accelerator that specializes in high social value startups, environmental startups and cultural startups.


27 – Nuvolab

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: Nuvolab is an accelerator that specializes in industrial automation, food, furniture/design, clothing/fashion, digital, fintech and biomedical startups.


28 – Officine Formative

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: Officine Formative is an online accelerator that has an in-depth online training. Officine Formative is an initiative of Intesa Sanpaolo.


29 – Parco Technologico Padano

Type: Incubator & Accelerator

Brief Description: Parco Technologico Padano offers an incubator and accelerator for technologically innovative startups.


30 – Polihub

Type: Incubator

Brief Description: Polihub is a Startup District and Incubator. It is the Politecnico di Milano University incubator and is run by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano. Polihub university incubator supports highly innovative startups by scouting, tutorship, mentorship, advisory and open innovation.


31 – Rancillo Cube

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: Rancilio Cube supports entrepreneurial culture, debate among entrepreneurs and social and entrepreneurial growth. Rancilio Cube offers its own business accelerator.


32 – RQ Research Qualification

Type: Incubator

Brief Description: RQ Research Qualifications offers an incubator that specializes in high-tech startups and industrial research startups.


33 – Sanipedia

Type: Incubator

Brief Description: Sanipedia is an incubator that supports young researchers and entrepreneurs at a very early stage of a project. Sanipedia specializes in health startups.


34 – SpeedMiUp

Type: Incubator & Accelerator

Brief Description: SpeedMiUp is an incubator and accelerator offered by Bocconi University, Camera di Commercio di Milano and the Comune di Milano. SpeedMiUp offers startups business development, business networks, entrepreneurial synergies, co-working spaces and services.


35 – TH2

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: Th2 is an accelerator specialized on Digital Manufacturing and Food Tech startups and SMEs.


36 – The Startup Training

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: The Startup Training is an acceleration program that helps early-stage startups identify their market, launch and develop.



Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: TIM#WCAP is TIM’s corporate accelerator that selects, accelerates and funds digital startups. TIM#WCAP offers its accelerator in Milan, Bologna, Rome and Catania, along with co-working spaces for the startups.


38 – Unicredit Startup Lab

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: Unicredit Startup Lab is an accelerator that is run by Unicredit. The accelerator specialzies in life science, ICT/Web/Digital, Cleantech and Innovation Made in Italy startups. Unicredit Startup Lab also offers a specialized Fintech accelerator.


39 – Wind Tre Business Factor

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: Wind Tre Business Factor is an online accelerator developed by the company WIND. This online accelerator program supports Italian startups by offering online resources and instruments.


40 – Xone Italia

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: The Xone Italia Accelerator is offered by Vodafone. Xone Italia Accelerator supports, develops and brings Italian startups to the marketplace.


41 – ZCube

Type: Accelerator

Brief Description: The mission of Zcube by Zambon is to identify and support the validation of Drug Delivery Systems, selecting those that have revealed the potential to generate innovative products.


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